Wednesday, June 3, 2009

For Customers

Blanding customer demand in a very important aspect of building customer value. To understand customer demend, a business needs to look its products and services from the customer perspective so that it can improve its marketing strategies. Quality web service and customer service will advance the goals of a business.

E-commerce and internet marketing have many advantages. Customers use online stores because they are faster, provide lower prices, and are easier to purchase from. Additionally, businesses can provide customers with "customized shopping." Customers can customize the design of a product to make it original. For instance, NIKEiD and Timberland, each provide unique customized shopping experiences for their shoes. At NIKEiD, customers can customize colos, materials, and designs for different parts of their shoes. They can also view the shoes from many different angles.


Timberland has fewer options for customizing shoes than NIKEiD. However, it is easier to customize a shoe as Timberland as they have just quite a few places available to change colors. Also the hangtag on the shoes and the tongue or heel can be chnaged making it really original and unique.


These systems work wffectively only with internet market, and they attract both current and future customers becasue NIKE and Timberland are both great brands.

Easy web navigation is also an important way or method to get and keep new customers. The way the web site is built plays a great role on how customers view items. A front page with simple noncomplex menus will help customers go through the website finding exactly what they want. Thus clear and visible icons play a huge role in selling items to customers on the web. has a simple navigation. On the welcome page, customers can see categories by products, hence knowing exactly where to go to find what they want. Additionally, new and/or best products are advertized on the front page, like "the new iPod shuffle."


"Easy" navigation also helps the younger generation to understand the contents of the site. It is organized by both texts and graphics. A good example is Children and parents can find what they want in two ways: music category is shown by "music" and a headphone icon.


One of the differences between online and offline stores is the power of advertising inside and outside the store. Offline stores mostly advertise products through TV commercials, news papers, and billboards, and they attract customers using freestanding signboards like "Buy 1, Get 1 Free," or "30-50% Off." Online stores advertise products through spam, banners and mobile ads like cell phones etc. They can also attaract customers through their own website through great design. Thus internet marketing has a strong potential of getting new customers on their website -- advertising. also has good ads on the welcome page lije the iPod shuffle., a brand that won the best home/welcome page of the 2009 Webby Award, catches customers' eye by active photpgraphs: customers will stay longer to see photos and summaries.


What is important is making the difference and standing out from the many e-marketing sites on the web. For instance, if has an opening video on its web page befire it goes to the homepage, it will creat impact on viewers!!

Strategies on how a business tales care of its customers personally build trust and customers value. does successful strategies, like collecting information on each customer's likes and dislikes, based on what they view or purchase on the site, while constantly making suggestions through e-mail on items the customer might like to view or purchase. As a result of internet marketing and improved technology, a business can keep recording each single customer's data accurately to provide personal service. This service makes customers feel that a business cares about them, thus the customers tend to be loyal to the business as they begin to build trust.

Customer evaluation also helps businesses to know exactly what customers what or expect. Both the customers and the businesses benefits from evaluation. One of benefits is to provide customers opportunities to voice their opinions, desires or complaints directly to the business. Another benefit is that a business can elavuate and improve its products and services faster from customer's evaluations. For an evaluation, a business could provide a survey, a community board, and a ranking of products or providers like


Improving these five points of web and customer strategies will build a good customer value and relationship, and also improve the business itself as branding. Hence businesses try more and more to satisfy their customers, making e-commerce a better way to shop.

1 comment:

  1. Quality web service and customer service will advance the goals of a business.customized shopping
